Monday, July 4, 2011

Escorted out of Canada by the Border Patrol

The happy couple woke groggy and sluggish from the previous day’s adventure. They repacked their traveling home and headed towards Chicago, and one wrong turn trapped them on a collision course with Canada. One small problem – neither possessed passports – no turn around – no escape from a confrontation with the border patrol of Canada and America. The polite Canadian border guards asked a few questions and pointed them towards the Canadian Port Authority. Inside the Canadian Port Authority, surrounded by guards, the terrified travelers handed over their I.Ds and feared the worst. The port authority checked the database and concluded that these Americans must be escorted out of Canada – a true danger to the security of the Great White North. Led out of the port authority to the glaring sun and blaring sirens, they were escort by the Border Patrol to the American gates with paperwork that indicated that they never officially entered Canada. The rude American border guard snatched the paperwork and barked orders at the anxious American couple. The bespectacled Napoleon of the border was dubious of the couples answers and intentions. After further investigation on his computer terminal, he eventually relented and let the Americans back into their home country.

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